I was able to break out of my daily grind and fixed myself a trip to the far east. With my chopper to India. The idea is to have almost no idea at all. My target is to climb as much as I can during this trip. Sport and alpine climbing. (Arat, Crimson Mountains …). Therefore I need my pick and crampons in my luggage. The following things are the primary idea: Between the 10th and 20th May I start my ride from switzerland and try to get through the following countries to India — Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Iran, Pakistan (just passing through). If I still got money in India I will deffinetly travel further, I really would like to get to Thailand, Malaysia and then to Australia. During this time I will sleep outside or stay at couchsurfing.com places. I will just try to travel as cheap as possible. I planing to write regularly so you should be able to read more of my trip soon. I’m taking an analog camera with me so you’ve got to wait for pictures a bit longer …

«Have a good time!»

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