I finally did it

— I’m gone. But I’ve to tell you, I had my doubts if I really would be able to leave on day it was planned. The plan was to leave on Sunday the 17th May. Until about two weeks before I want to leave I got me most of the stuff. There were just a few things to be done. The main problem was to fix the ordered aluminum boxes on my bike. I guess I searched about 4 hours in the net for them and went in loads of tool stores. Well I finally found some and ordered them. I remarked that they should send them immediately and I would have to pay them when I collect them at the post office. I was the whole week working on construction work and therefor not at home. I came back and the boxes weren’t there, just the bill for them. I paid the bill immediately and called the company on monday. There was only a week left and they said that they sent the boxes but it usually can take 1½ week, but maybe I would be lucky. On the Internet was written that they were on stock, they said that they had no possibility to trace the sending. But 1½ week WTF — where they on stock in fucking China? I definitely started to get a little nervous. I calmed a little when they finally came on friday morning. On Saturday I went few times to the tool store to get all I need. On sunday they were fixed, a pretty weird construction, but until now the boxes are still on the bike. During these days I would have had a nervous breakdown if Sarah would not have been there. She did all the other things I wasn’t able to, nutrition, cleaned after me and helped me to pack my stuff. Thanks Sarah! Late afternoon I was able to leave, after I dropped loads of luggage and added another backpack to fix all my stuff in. My first stop at my parents place to reorganize every- thing :) (Dropped all the shoes except my alpin shoes for ice and glacier climbing.) The weather for the night looked aweful and I decided to drop by a friend near the Swiss border to Austria — I preferred a dry start!

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