— Not much to say about it. Friendly people, flat land,
loads of moskitos. I’m a bit negative about that ’cause I had to sleep the first three nights outdoors and it startet to rain twice. So I had a bit
a problem to stay/get dry. In Graz I found a package of smokes lying on the street, almost full. And in the second night, when the moskito beasts kept me awake
I found an advantage of smoking. It keeps those beasts away, at least a little. For the third night I bought myself a moskito spray. I was still in the opinion that I had too much stuff with me, and while I was sitting in a Park of Pécs on a bench with a beggar
I got an idea.
I dropped the second backpack (daypack), with a sweater and a pocket saw to this beggar. Even though we spoke with hands
and feets he tried to say thanks. Or I guess that at least.
I don’t like big cities much, they are confusing me. I spend hours riding through the city while I’m looking for water, food, internet or a sleeping place. But at least you often can find there a couch so sleep. COUCHSURFING FOREVER :) I stayed at Adri’s place during my time, eventhough she already got guests. I had endless discussions with Stan, a guy from India who
is living in Germany. Adri showed us round and gave us special Hungarian food to eat. Except that we didn’t do that much :) I really enjoyed the time (also being lazy).